Our 2023
Gym Survey Report.

Stats from last years survey.


Surveys filled out


Completion rate


Avg. Satisfaction score

What members said in the last survey.

I started my membership this year and already feel like I've made more progress than at my previous gym"
Question:: most memorable moment of the year.
I love the atmosphere and the vibe if the gym. Also the staff is super friendly
Question:: What do you think sets IH apart from other gyms.
Ik merk dat ik ook mentaal heel erg vooruit ben gegaan door t sporten bij jullie. Ik zat hiervoor bij een basic fit en ik kwam maar niet verder, en nu is echt the sky the limit!
Question:: What do you think sets IH apart from other gyms.
Een quote die ik wel aan vrienden vertel is van tijdens power hour: als je wou dat het makkelijk was had je maar bij de basic-fit moeten gaan
Question:: most memorable moment of the year.
Dit jaar lid geworden en begin me echt lekker op mijn gemak te voelen in de gym. Jullie hebben echt echt een heel warm welkom!
Question:: Is there anything you would like to share with us?

Here are a few of the key takeaways and changing we made this year!

We are always looking into changes and adjustments we can make to the gym in order to improve the service and value we offer. Here are just a few of the improvements we made thanks to last years survey.

More Equipment

This year we added a wide range of new equipment to the gym! From new Lifefitness machines, new cable attachements, more callibrated plates and a fourth combo rack just to name a few. We also recently replaced the assault bikes with new Echo Bikes which everyone seems to enjoy a lot more. in 2024 will be continue to add even more awesome stuff to the gym.


It’s no surprise that many people from all over the country want to come train in our gym. But there have been moments in the past where the gym was just too busy and we had too many day-passes booked. So this past year we both raised the prices of day-passes from €10 to €15 and we also implemented a new strict protocol to limit day-pass bookings during busy hours in the gym. 

Morning PowerHours

We have a few early birds in the community who really wanted a great workout to start off their day. So thanks to Coach Michael we have now added 2 morning classes for during the week!

Free coffee

Nothing like a hot cup of quality fresh ground coffee to start off your day. Or for some of us to have at any hour in the day. This year we made the coffee free to grab and go for all members! 

More Merch

We received a lot of requests and saw a lot of interest in more Iron House merch! With a such a dope brand as ours it’s no surprise that people want to represent the gym! So this year we had a few very popular and success merch drops! We got even more coming in 2024 as well!

Fans in the gym

It can get pretty hot in the gym when you are working hard for your gains, especially during the summer heat! So by popular request we have placed fans around the gym to try and make the summer heat more bearable!


Not everyone is a fan of leaving their belongings in the changing rooms or taking everything with you into the gym. So this year we finally added lockers to make storing your important belongings more convenient.

More cleaning

This year we added additional cleaning rounds to our weekly cleaning schedule and we also doubled down on our cleaning service. But we can do better! We will be keeping an extra sharp eye on the tidiness of the gym in 2024 .

A few things that are still on our to-do list!

Unfortunately we weren't able to get around to everything on our to-list for 2023. But here are a few things that we still have scheduled and planned for 2024!

Water Fountain.

To make filling water bottles easier and less messy.

Mirror in men's changing room.

To make sure you look as great as you feel!

More equipment.

More small dumbbells, more plates, more fun and unique machines.

Even more cleaning.

We will continue to finetune and improve our cleaning protocols.

More options for classes.

We will continue to expand our classes schedule to create more options to workout.

More guidance for beginners.

We will be adding even more options for you to get the most out of your membership!

A few things that we still have to figure out


We get it, music is one of the most personal and taste driven things in life. And trying to make everyone happy has become an impossible task. A common scenario; within the same 10 minutes, one members comes to the front desk to ask the name of the song that they are enjoying and one members comes to ask to change the music…

We have an incredibly diverse community with an equal diverse taste in music. So we will never be able to everyone happy with regards to music. But we do have a few open playlists on Spotify that you can add your music to and always feel free to come request music at the front desk.


A common request that we have received throughout the years is to add showers. And this is completely understandable. Some people would like to workout, shower and head off to work. Unfortunately showers is something we have struggled to realise since the beginning. Due to our rental agreement and permissions, the layout of the gym and other investments that have been more important for the experience in the gym, showers were never on the top of our to-do list.

However! We do see the possibility of adding a shower to the gym in the future. We can’t indicate when or how, but the possibility is open to us. 

That was 2023! On to another awesome year in 2024!

We want to hear from you! So please take the time to fill in this years end of the year survey! We would really appreciate it!
Check your inbox for the right newsletter with links to the survey!